Sunrise 3
January 18th 2020
I come up here quite a lot, to walk, to bike, to watch the stars and meteor showers. It’s one of my thinking places. I knew this was going to be a crisp sunrise from the weather forecast and it definitely was crisp…aka very cold 😊.
Sometimes you know it is going to be a good day just as with a chronic condition(s) you know somedays are going to be the roughest. On the rough days I count down the hours to midnight hoping the next 24 hours will be slightly easier. But on the good days, I savour every moment. And that is the key. Be present in the present especially on the good days. It’s the uplift and the energy you gain from the good days that help us through the not so good days and the absolutely horrific ones. Remember to not just enjoy the good days, really enjoy them.