“Holistic health and wellness is important for everyone. It is fundamental in preventing many illnesses, reducing stress and living a balanced life. However, when you become seriously ill, holistic health and wellness becomes even more important. I was a GB athlete and today I spend more time focusing on my holistic health and wellness than I ever did as an athlete. Why? Because that is how I manage to live a very good life even with serious chronic conditions.”
Muddy Care are educational specialists in holistic health and wellness and outdoor education for the not so very healthy and well. If you have an illness, even if it is serious, long-term or chronic and want to try and improve your holistic health and wellness, Muddy Care can help make your future brighter.
The science of health and wellbeing overwhelmingly suggests that we need to address all six facets of health and wellness in order to be healthy, well and balanced as a whole person. All aspects of health and wellness are connected. Our bodies are an ecosystem, every aspect of health and wellness is needed to create balance, stability and maximise resilience. All are intrinsically linked and affected by each other.
If we just treat one aspect of health and wellness, for example, physical, that connection is never joined within ourselves and thus the outcomes for our health and wellness will be limited. And as people who are not well know, those connections become even more important when you are not well as our bodies are coping with so much more stress from a multitude of factors. If we just address one area, or a couple of areas of health and wellness, that only creates a partially healthy and well person.
Muddy Care’s innovative educational rehabilitation model integrates all six facets of health and wellbeing. This helps create high impact outcomes and that is what we do. Today it has helped to positively change the lives of others who have significant health challenges in a multitude of ways.
“Promoting health without encouraging others to seek wholeness is an exercise in futility. Not until we realize that our bodies are mirrors of our interpersonal, spiritual, professional, sexual, creative, financial, environmental, mental, and emotional health will we truly heal.”
At Muddy Care we use the WHOLE person approach throughout our educational rehabilitation services.
We work with you. We listen to you. We never judge. We are compassionate and we will always do our best for you. We are a community. We build social connection and meaningful relationships.
Holistic. We will teach you and impart learning, knowledge, skills, understanding and give you tools and strategies to practice about all areas of holistic health and wellness specific to illnesses, long-term and chronic conditions and injuries.
Opportunities. We will provide you with wonderful opportunities in outdoor activities you probably never considered were achievable because of your health challenges. We will help you become comfortable with uncertainty.
Laughter. We always make fun and play a priority.
Education. We are professional teachers. We are learning specialists. What we teach you is always backed up by science, direct experience and delivered professionally.
(Lovell, 2017)
If we can find management strategies and tools that improve our holistic health and wellness when we are ill, it means we will manage our conditions, illnesses, symptoms and the brutal impacts of illness better. This means our lives will become brighter and fuller and we will have more success in stabilising our conditions for longer periods of time.
Just because you have illnesses, injuries or serious medical conditions doesn’t mean you have to live a less fulfilled life. It means you have to adapt your life and actions in a multitude of ways, and that is okay. In fact, adaptation is the key to opening up opportunities for yourself if you have health or medical conditions.
The Grant Study identified the key ingredient to wellbeing ‘is the ability to make lemonade out of lemons’. And that is exactly what Muddy Care assists you in doing. We teach how to adapt, why we need to adapt and when to adapt. Added to this is a lot of play, fun, a supporting community, science, real experience and tools and strategies taught by professional teachers that you can individualise for you. And we enhance this learning by using natural environments. Nature helps us to understand our journeys better. Muddy Care helps you to honour the basics of life and helps you build a better you.