‘If you want to travel fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together…’


Written by Participant J


Week 2 of the Muddy Care Programme saw us take another step forward in our journey together.
On Sunday we travelled to Caswell Bay in a minibus, and on the way, we shared more of our stories with each other. When we arrived, our journey didn’t stop, but continued in a reflective walk along on the shoreline.
Claire used the weather and tides as metaphors - just as they are affected by interconnected cycles and events, so too are our conditions and outlooks. Our actions, reactions and interactions affect our health and wellbeing.


Caswell Bay is the location for the Phase 1 of the Programme, ‘Stepping Out’, and Muddy Care had carefully planned, what was for most of us, our first experience of surfing. Prior contact had been made with Surfability (an amazing CIC that offers adapted and inclusive surfing experiences) and so the afternoon activity fitted our abilities - and potential! Claire and Lee, along with the Surfability Team, offered us any support we needed and so we took the plunge together😊

It was a sunny time, in every sense of the word - the sun did shine, but we all shone with a new-found sense of exhilaration - brilliant!
The sense of achievement in facing any fears we had, and of doing something different, was energising and definitely changed our ‘inner weather’.

Next week we’ll return to Caswell for another experience of ‘Stepping Out’ together. Roll on…

Geoff HarperMuddy Care