Muddy Jukebox - January 2020

Kill you Heroes

By Megalithic Symphony

I thought we needed a song with a bit of energy for the start of the new year and a new decade. So here it is.

I like to play this song very loud and it is on my exercise playlist. If I can I will have a good dance to it and even better, if I can, I will dance to it with friends and family or the dog or all three together 😊.

A significant reason why I became a teacher and a teacher of outdoor learning and education, was to help young people realise their true potential, aspire them to achieve extraordinary in all areas of their lives. I believe everyone has the capability and capacity to be extraordinary. And what I mean by that is finding your passion and making your passion your reality. It’s not about money. It is about you becoming the truest form of you. That could be owning your own bakery, it could be being an architect, being a firewoman or man. It could mean having your own small holding, being a DJ, being a professional mountaineer or buying your own boat to have adventures on. It’s about having friends and family that love the authentic you, that help you become the authentic you. Its about being with the right partner, the one who challenges you in making you a better version of yourself, who is honest and nurtures your spirit not suffocating it, who builds you up rather than knocking you down. It is about acts of kindness, being compassionate to others and living the best version of every day. It’s about doing what is right not what is easiest. That’s extraordinary.

We all have heroes. Today we are surrounded by TV series and films of superheroes. The thing about life though is that it isn’t a dress rehearsal or a TV super hero show. This is the real deal. I have superheroes. They are my consultants, my doctors, my family, my friends, the Muddy Care participants and yes, my dogs. Don’t live your life through fictitious superheroes. Acknowledge real superheroes but most importantly be your own hero. Strive for greatness and if you fail, don’t worry. No one achieves greatness without failure. But never be afraid to achieve your full potential. At the end of the day, go to sleep and wake up knowing you allowed yourself the best opportunity to fulfil your truest version of you.

You may say that is so much harder if you have a chronic condition(s) to aspire for extraordinary. And yes you are correct in part. However, after nearly 20 years in education, 13 of them working in middle management, I can honestly say I have never met so many extraordinary people and elements of extraordinary in people as I have developing and growing Muddy Care. I am regularly inspired by who I meet through Muddy Care. I have had more encounters meeting examples of extraordinary through my chronic condition journey than I ever had through my teaching career. And not all of those people have a chronic condition(s) but many do.

People with chronic condition(s) need help and support to find there extraordinary but what I see through Muddy Care is a deeper aspiration to find that extraordinary. Thus, I think we, the chronic condition community are ahead of the game here, for once, perhaps. To be fair, we have to struggle at most other things, but striving for extraordinary, pushing ourselves for a better more meaningful existence, seeing the bigger picture, appreciating life, I think we are better at it because of the challenges we face on a frequent basis. As the song says, Never let your fear dictate your fate.

So what ever you circumstances, strive for extraordinary. It’s not easy but that is why compassion, empathy, bravery and courage and communities such as Muddy Care are so important. And together the journey is so much easier.

Happy 2020 everyone.

Kill you Heroes

By Megalithic Symphony


Geoff HarperMuddyCare