Muddy Jukebox - November 2019

Foreword from Claire (C1) 😊

This song has been chosen by Claire (C2), who is part of our Muddy Care mini-pilot participant group. 

C2 has had several very challenging years and she is still under investigation in reference to her medical diagnosis as is often the case with chronic conditions.  Bits of the jigsaw reveal themselves gradually. 

The way I would describe C2 is reference to a weather is absolute sunshine.  She is such a powerful positive influence on all of us and always so caring and thoughtful.  She brightens up all our days.  She refuses to let her chronic condition define her and strives to lead a full and active life.  To me this song choice is perfect for Claire.

People with chronic conditions rarely moan about their struggles, how poorly they are actually feeling.   C2 never ever moans but she has significant medical challenges.  That is one of the unique attributes of Muddy Care.  It is a safe place for people to honestly say how they are really feeling.  There is no judgement but understanding and empathy.  We are all trying to keep on keeping on.  We always find laughter within our Muddy Care days and search for the silver lining together.  We keep looking forwards even though our roads are far from easy.  Good can come from the bad even when our worries are as big as the moon.

Thank you and well done C2 for sharing your song choice with Muddy Care.

Now read C2’s lovely words, turn the volume up and if you can, have a dance.

C1 x


My Silver Lining

By First aid Kit 

I first heard this song a few years ago, when my partner came in from work and asked me if I had heard of the group ‘First Aid Kit’, which I hadn't! I remember thinking what an unusual name it was...but I loved it. I went on to ‘good old Google’ and was hooked straight away and I listened to all of their songs on you tube! (I had the time as I was off sick).

I kept on playing ‘My silver lining’ more than any other. Even though I was heartbroken at losing my dad extremely suddenly and unexpectedly, plus becoming unwell from that moment on. The song’s happy tune and the girls lovely voices gave me a tiny bit of happiness and hope.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis a couple of months later, after a procedure in Brecon hospital. That was over 4 years ago. I have had my ‘flares’ every year since and tons of medication. Last year I was hospitalised on and off for weeks, but, I am pretty well at the moment.

I often smile (grimace) and say ‘Thanks dad!’ for what I was left with after he’d gone. Maybe it was his way of trying to slow me down! I was always on the go, had almost endless energy and have HAD to learn to rest and try to pick up on signs that might indicate this, but it’s hard, as ‘my list’ is always endless and long and I have to try to not feel guilty when I stop! My health has to come first and I am trying to learn to juggle everything at the moment!

My dad was an unusually selfless, funny, inventive and a determined man (and handsome too!). He had masses of health conditions and I am adamant that I will follow his lead in determination and plodding on regardless!

I am still on my journey to find ‘my silver lining’....

By Claire (AKA C2)

Geoff HarperMuddyCare