
“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.”

By Henry Moore. English sculpture.

My sister sent a link to one of those fantastically motivating videos on YouTube for the new year. It’s brilliant and woke me out of feeling a little sorry for myself as I wasn’t feeling great. What I like about it is it motivates you very effectively for YOU to take responsibility, to be in charge of your destiny. No one else, just you. It’s about building a better you bit by bit. Only you can change your life for the better. Other people can help support you but fulfilling the truest form of you is all down to you and how you face your challenges and opportunities. And that is what Muddy Care strives to do, help build and aspire brighter futures for the chronic condition community bit by bit by providing tools and support to improve holistic health and wellness.

I don’t do New Year resolutions now. They are too hard when you have chronic conditions as our bodies are like the weather…there are changes daily. So having one major resolution is doomed for failure. I do daily intentions now, as Henry Moore suggests. That way the intention can fit the weather of the day. And actually if you look at the science of what creates success, it is about persistence and building success one brick at a time. Small daily steps work best.

The video my sister sent to me asks you to ask yourself three questions daily. This method fits superbly into the concept of approaching health and wellness holistically and is the focus we take through our rehabilitation programmes. The daily questions they ask you to ask yourself are;

How can I grow?

What can I give?

What can I celebrate?

The first question focuses on what you need to do for you, to enable you to achieve your highest, truest form of yourself.

The second is how you can provide a service to others.

And the third is a gratitude and positive reinforcement exercise.

All are excellent activities for the heart, mind, body and soul.

If you are struggling for ideas for the new decade or if you want to make changes in your life, answer these questions every day, week or month, whatever works for you and activate those thoughts and ideas. The answers to these questions will improve your life. Remember, it doesn’t matter how fast you are moving forwards, just as long as you are. The tortoise wins the race.


By C1

Geoff Harper