Muddy Care testimonial 1

Being a part of the Muddy Care pilot study has allowed me to meet and form new friends with other people with chronic conditions, where as before, I always felt like I was the only one who was chronically ill, but meeting these new friends has created a form of support for me, as we all know what each other is going through and are able to understand it and help each other through it.

Taking part in the Muddy Care activities has shown me that just because I have chronic conditions, it doesn’t mean I have to stop doing things, they can just be adapted to be done in a different way.

Learning about health and wellness through Muddy Care has led to me being more proactive with my health, by trying to improve my diet and talking to my consultants more openly and telling them how I’m really feeling and what I think I need, which has led to better outcomes for me and is something I wouldn’t have been able to do with the support of Muddy Care.

Geoff Harper