Muddy Care Testimonial 5

When I first met Claire my life was just about existing. The only times I left the house were hospital appointments, which I had quite a lot of. I was still coming to terms with my diagnosis, I had very little support and no social life.

Muddy Care has changed my life. I have done amazing things that I never thought possible.

The first module we surfed. It was such an excellent way to start as we all bonded so quickly. Not only that as we were all very anxious, it allowed us to see how much we could trust Claire and Lee to keep us safe.

Straight away the group started being a community. We all look out for each other. We have so much fun, so many laughs, and tears too sometimes. We all understand each other. Although we have different chronic conditions, we share so many symptoms so we are able to support each other.

We have been on some amazing walks. I had been living in Wales over 2 years but had not seen much of it. Now I know plenty of gorgeous places Claire has taken us, and more importantly, I have a wonderful group of friends who I can enjoy it with.

I think my favourite activity was the electric bikes. I never thought I'd be able to travel that speed again. I had missed horse riding so much and this felt similar. It was amazing to feel the wind in my face again.

Muddy Care has not just provided fantastic activities, and literally turned me from a townie to a country girl, but the support from Claire and the others, has been crucial in the improvement of my mental health.

Muddy Care has helped me accept the new me and helped see round my limitations. It has given me a whole new perspective and a different way to look at challenges. Furthermore, Claire has even got me liking myself (that has never happened) enough to think about self-care - which has had a massive impact on how I manage my chronic conditions.

I literally cannot thank Muddy Care enough, ever. Muddy Care has given me a fantastic group of friends for support and helped me accept and manage my conditions. I had spent 4 long years in a very dark depression, my life was going down a very dark path. Muddy Care has literally given me a life worth living. I will be forever grateful.


Geoff Harper